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10 questions with Monsieur Inwood


10 questions with Monsieur Inwood

”Today, we asked few questions to our first ambassador. Discover this mysterious and charming men, most also known as Monsieur Inwood.”


Could you speak about you?

Hello! Before to begin, I would like to say that I will keep my identity secret. You will know me under the name of Monsieur Inwood.

My parents educated me in a universe which was at the same time strict and passionate. And I think that this universe reflected their works: my father was a lawyer and my mother a dancer. But in parallel, I always liked beautiful things and this I why today, people consider me as an aesthete.  What could I say else…? I am an architect and designer! And I love my job!


What does it mean for you to be an architect and designer?

I must say that this is a very busy job and we have to be involved as much as we can. But there is also a lot of passion. And this is what obliges me to go beyond my limits.  After that, it is true that I am a huge lover of architecture. It is an area where I feel happy. My work allows me to express this creative aspect. I can choose how to associate materials or give a particular universe to a room.


You told it previously, you do not wish to give your identity, why this choice?

Simply because I don’t want to be famous. It is not in my philosophy. I prefer sincerely be known for an article I write, rather than for my image. I prefer my readers be based on my writings. I think that we can write about everything as much as we are passionate by what we are writing. The fact that I don’t reveal my identity also allows my readers de project themselves as they want.



What gave you the desire to collaborate with Inwood?

First of all: Arts of Living. These values are essential to me, and to know that I can share them with someone, in this case with an entire group, well it gave me the desire to accept this proposal. And also there is this hotel, Le Marquis. It is as if I was home when I am there. It corresponds me so well with its Dandy universe. All that to say that I find that your hotels represents perfectly Paris and the French Arts of Living. I could not but accept this fascinating adventure.


Why does our group represent you?

As I said, your group represents French Arts of Living and these are my values. But I must say that what characterizes the most, Inwood and I, it is this love we have for all kind of Arts. When I stay at Le Marquis hotel for example, I like to be immersed in an atmosphere which corresponds to me. I think that if the group and I get along so well, it is also because of this love for Paris. For the love we give this city in order to bring it forward.


Why did you accept to be our ambassador?

It is true that I couldn’t decline. You are a group that is very similar to my values. For me, it is all about the will to share with the readers. What attracted me the most is the ability to talk about topics that inspire us and that we appreciate. The spirit of sharing is fascinating. I was given the name of “Monsieur Inwood” and there is a reason. I think I am the good person to represent them.


You are take part in this adventure through writing, is that right?

My involvement, as you say, are articles I post on the hotels websites. My writings are free, that means that I can choose the theme that inspire me the most or a subject I like or want to talk about… And I can also express myself freely, I can give my point of view about a place, an accessory or an author! But it is also more than that. For me, writing is something salutary. Writing is confessing… It is moreover sharing! And I like the fact that I can meet people passionate about dandyism and talk during hours about what link us.



If you had to choose your best memory of Paris, which one it would be?

Oh Paris is a city so full of memories for me…! But it is true that there is one I could not replace. It is my first meeting with Elena. One year ago, I was at the All Nigther in Paris. I remember me observing the crowd in front of me. It is at that moment I saw her, I even could not stop watching her. Elena was also looking at me and I decided to approach her. But the crowd took us away and I had the impression I missed something. This is the reason why I was not really here the rest of the night. Then, while walking, I heard “My name is Elena…”


If you had to describe you inspirations, what would it be?

They would be much diversified! I have the opportunity to choose my subjects. As I am meanwhile passionate about paintings but also about fashion, I have the choice… I really can deal with a number of subjects. But depending on me, it is not about finding a good theme, it is also about sharing passion with words. You know, writing helped me a lot when I was young, it allows me to exteriorize myself.


Do you prefer bow ties or ties?

I appreciate so much these two accessories that I surprise myself sometimes thinking during a long time to choose which one I will wear. But it really depends on the event I am going to.


”Thank you very much Monsieur Inwood to have answered our questions. We also thank you for the work you are offering to our group."

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