Love for Paris
My dear readers,
I never stop to repeat it, the energy created by Paris still attract the entire world and artists from all horizons. It would be very hard to count how many works have been produce and inspired by this city.
This phenomenon could have been frustrating if some writers did not had the will to tell on their way the life they had in their time in the capital of fashion and romantism.
Recently, one of them resurface and I could not contain my will to read it once more.
It is « A moveable feast » from Ernest Hemingway, an american writer who falled in love with Paris and France. This autobiography publicated posthumansly retrace his first Parisian year and his discovering of French Art of Living. It seems to be a tribute to the love he felt here and what represented this city for him.
Following Ernest
So it is the story of a young reporter which quited his job to live from his writings in Paris. We find in this book many incredible stories which inspired the Woody Allen’s movie “Midnight in Paris”.
After I finished the book, I convincted myself that I had to follow the same way he took on his book to better understand what he loved so much in Paris.
From the Mouffetard street, one of the oldest in the city, in a huge line of latin’s district where we can find many animations and shops, to the Notre dame des Champ street where lived Victor Hugo, Paul Cézanne or Romain Rolland, to the famous bouquinists on quai de Seine, to Vel d’Hiv, to the Saints Pères street. I had an incredible time and understood the unicity of his writings.
My dear reders, Ernest Hemingway said that « in all arts, pleasure grows with the knowledge we have from them” and he was right: only knowledges permit comprehension, only comprehension lead us to real pleasure.
See you soon !